Simplifying your payments experience

Connect your Mpesa C2B or B2C Paybill and use a simple API to initiate payment requests and receive notifications.


C2B Validation

Reject transactions that do not match your expected account number.

C2B Confirmation

Send money from your B2C paybill to Mpesa users. Ideal for loan and banking applications.

B2C To Phone Numbers

Send money from your B2C paybill to Mpesa users. Ideal for loan and banking applications.

B2B to Tills

Buy goods and services by initiating payments to any Till Number.

B2B to Other Paybills

Pay directly to other paybills by providing the Paybill and Account Number.

Send Money to any Bank Account

Settle to any bank in Kenya by providing the bank Paybill and Account Number to pay to.

Transactions Status

Request comprehensive details of an initiated transaction and get all details pertaining the transaction.


Automatically recall transactions made by mistake.

Float Management

Move money easily withing the paybills Utility/Working account or to other paybill Utility/Working account.

Free test credits for new accounts*

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